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8:41 / 08 August 2023 Solar Solar and wind provided majority of new US capacity in H1 2023
5:28 / 08 August 2023 Wind Dominion on track to commission CVOW offshore park in 2026
18:27 / 07 August 2023 Other Bloom Energy grows Q2 revenue on product shipments
15:18 / 07 August 2023 Solar Alberta to pause approvals for renewable projects
11:08 / 07 August 2023 Solar Global PV additions to hit 270 GWp in 2023 and rise afterwards
10:10 / 07 August 2023 Wind Leading Light, Atlantic Shores bid in New Jersey offshore wind tender
18:13 / 04 August 2023 Other Weekly renewables M&A round-up (July 31-Aug 4)
16:34 / 04 August 2023 Wind Vestas wins 189-MW wind turbine order in US
13:55 / 04 August 2023 Wind BOEM's NOI Checklist seeks to improve US offshore wind reviews
13:30 / 04 August 2023 Solar Nautilus buys 28.7-MW portfolio of solar projects in Delaware
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